effect of minorities On political stability in Syria


  • Hassan Khazal Mahdi Kabbah


minorities, political stability, Syria


The main objective of this study is to know the impact of minorities on the stability of the political system in Syria. One of the most important points that we aim to reach is an explanation of how minorities are distributed in Syria, then clarifying the nature of the relationship between the Syrian regime on the one hand and the various minorities in Syria on the other hand, and also identifying the problems facing these minorities. We have adopted more than one method in this research, such as the descriptive analytical method, the systems analysis method, and the functional structural approach. We have reached important results, including that minorities have a prominent role in destabilizing the political stability of the regime in Syria, especially since the transfer of power in this country is based on military coups that marginalize groups of the people in general and minorities in particular. And because the political system is unable to maintain the sovereignty of the state and protect society, this will lead to the lack of a sense of security for minorities in the absence of political pluralism within society and the failure to grant minorities any rights to participate in the management of power, which leads to more conflicts, civil wars and forced migration, which gives a justification for foreign intervention under the pretext of protecting minorities.


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How to Cite

Kabbah, H. K. M. . (2022). effect of minorities On political stability in Syria. The International and Political Journal, 51(1), 449–478. Retrieved from https://ipj.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/index.php/political/article/view/96