The International and Political Journal <p><strong>About the Journal</strong></p> <p><strong>The International and Political Journal issued by the College of Political Science / Mustansiriyah University. It is a periodic (Quarterly) specialized journal. It receives the outputs of specialized researchers that deal with contemporary political problems, issues and realities, as well as related topics. These researches are subject to scientific evaluation by specialized researchers according to Specific publishing rules in which the principles of scientific research are taken into account, and the journal’s research and contents are subject to linguistic evaluation by the aforementioned linguistic experts, and the journal’s research is reviewed before issuing each issue by the general supervisor, the editorial board, and the advisory board that consists of Iraqi and Arab specialist professors And foreigners, and the board also receives any comments from readers and specialists, and the editorial board of the journal aspires to elevate it to the ranks of prestigious scientific academic journals, which take into account the quality standards in force globally.</strong></p> <p><strong>Scientific papers are published in the following fields:</strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>Political systems</strong></li> <li><strong>Political thought</strong></li> <li><strong>Relations and international studies</strong></li> <li><strong>Local governments and administration</strong></li> <li><strong>Managing crises, conflicts and international peace</strong></li> <li><strong>All social science disciplines with a political dimension</strong></li> </ul> <p><strong>The Journal of Political and International is an open access journal, published under the license:</strong></p> <p><strong>(<a title="a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license</a>).</strong></p> <p><strong>Publisher: Al-Mustansiriya University</strong></p> <p><strong>Institution: College of Political Science</strong></p> <p><strong>Address: Iraq - Baghdad / Bab al-Mu'adham (<a href="">View in Map</a>)</strong></p> <p><strong>Mustansiriyah University - College of Political Science</strong></p> <p><strong>ISSN: </strong></p> <p><strong>International coding: 8984-1991</strong></p> <p><strong>International electronic coding: 8563-2789</strong></p> <p><strong>Digital Object Port: DOI: 10.31272/IPJ</strong></p> كلية العلوم السياسية - الجامعة المستنصرية en-US The International and Political Journal 1991-8984 <p><strong>Journal Policies</strong><br />All articles published in the International and Political Journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This means that the Authors can:</p> <p>The journal allows reuse and remixing of content in accordance with a Creative Commons license.<br />Copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.<br />Policy of publishing in The International and Political Journal</p> <p>The journal is committed to the ethics of scientific publishing, and according to the publication ethics report of the journal.<br />The decision to publish is based on the value of the scientific research, to what extent it meets the conditions of publication approved, the declared policy of the journal, and its specialty.<br />It is based on the principles of the scientific honesty, and originality of research submitted for publication. 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The arrangement of the research papers in the same issue is subject to technical standards.<br />Diversify of publishing papers from solid universities and scientific centers from inside and outside Iraq is preferable.<br />The journal maintains hard copies and electronic archive of the published issues in addition to the publication of the research papers.<br />The journal also publishes the issues electronically through the website of the journal, and the official website of the Iraqi academic journals, and makes it possible to download. Thus, documenting the intellectual property of the research papers and publishing them internationally is achieved.<br />Terms of publication may be modified when necessary with no previous notice.<br />The researcher obtains a copy of his research paper. 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The editorial board may apologize for accepting the research all together or require the researcher to amend it in accordance with the journal policy before sending it to editors.<br />After conducting the scientific evaluation, the research paper returns back to the researcher to make the required amendments within a maximum of two weeks.<br />A copy of the final research paper is to be submitted to the secretariat of the journal a hard copy and a soft copy on a CD, in both Word and PDF format. The researcher is fully responsible for the typing and linguistic mistakes after submitting the full research paper on a CD.</p> <p><strong> Plagiarism checker</strong></p> <p> All research papers are subjected to Turnitin program to uncover plagiarism before being sent to scientific evaluation. The researcher undertakes a written pledge to take the legal and moral responsibility, in the event of the emergence of plagiarism or taking from the efforts of other researchers, without a reference to them. The journal uses appropriate anti-plagiarism software, such as Turnitin to check for plagiarism.</p> <p><strong>Dealing with Allegations of Research Misconduct</strong></p> <p>The Journal shall take reasonable and serious steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred, including plagiarism, citation manipulation, and data falsification/fabrication.</p> <p><strong> Scientific Evaluation:</strong></p> <p> Scientific evaluation strengthens the research paper submitted to the journal and helps to take the appropriate decision by the editorial board to publish it. It also benefits the researchers to improve and correct their research papers.</p> <p>The research paper is sent to three evaluators in the same specialty to evaluate</p> China and the Middle East Interactions <p>Due to its economic and military influence, China has imposed itself as a pivotal player and one of the influential actors in shaping and moving the compass of the international community. This influence included the Middle East region, which occupies a significant position on the list of Chinese priorities. This was not limited to economic aspects, due to the region’s wealth of energy resources, but rather extended to political, cultural and social dimensions. This sudden shift in China’s foreign orientations was naturally based on the geopolitical developments witnessed by the global map, which repositioned many international powers. The rise of China at the end of the twentieth century represented the most important strategic developments in international relations, and the beginning of the twenty-first century witnessed the growth of Chinese ambitions to play effective regional roles and crown it with a prominent and influential role on the global stage. The Chinese role is based on material components of power such as geographical, natural, economic and military variables, which gave China great strategic depth and major military power in Asia.</p> Prof. Dr Sattar Jabbar Allai Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-21 2024-10-21 60 1 24 Digital Democracy: A Study of Concept and Foundations <p><em>This research deals with the concept of digital democracy and its foundations through the mechanisms provided by the tremendous revolution in the field of technology, which has brought about qualitative shifts in consolidating and strengthening the values ​​and essence of democracy. It is worth noting that the concept of digital democracy is not a new concept of democracy, but rather an expression of modern mechanisms and means for democratic practice, foremost among which are freedom of opinion and expression, opinion polls, political participation in making decisions related to citizens’ lives, narrowing the gap between citizens and politicians, protecting the rights of minorities in a diverse society, creating a broad virtual space and capabilities for political opposition, and achieving integrity, transparency, and accuracy in managing the electoral process.</em></p> Prof. Dr. Rashid Amara Al-Zaidi Chnar Omar Abdul Karim Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-21 2024-10-21 60 25 54 Evaluating Spanish decentralization and its impact on achieving the country’s unity and social integration <p>Decentralization is an important experience for all countries, regardless of their levels of development, because it is based on interconnected and coordinated steps to reach solutions that contribute to the development of this experience. This, in turn, requires the existence of a political system and effective and influential institutions. The decentralized system in Spain is one of the successful systems whose experience is of great importance as a model of a unified state in which independent groups have risen to exercise special powers and authorities. This is what made decentralization in Spain a means of modernizing and stabilizing the state without fragmenting its sovereignty, and thus preserving the cohesion and unity of the state and society.</p> Prof.Dr Ammar Saadoon Salman Albadry Araaf Ihsan Adnan Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-21 2024-10-21 60 55 77 The Role of the Palestine Red Crescent Society in Promoting the Convention on the Prevention of the Crime of Genocide: The Baptist Hospital Massacre in the Gaza Strip - a Model <p>Anything that goes beyond merely harming a person's life, health and dignity and extends to other dimensions and goals, such as the total or partial elimination of national, ethnic, racial or religious groups, is considered a crime of genocide, while addressing the elements of such crimes materially, morally and internationally. Accordingly, a number of international non-governmental organizations and associations have emerged with an interest in such crimes, providing humanitarian assistance. Given the circumstantial and temporary nature of a large number of these international non-governmental organizations distributed throughout the world, their work constituted an important milestone.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp; The researchers decided to shed light on such effective organizations and associations. An applied model was adopted for the work of such organizations and a statement of their work to reduce genocide crimes. The Palestinian Red Crescent Society and its humanitarian role towards the Baptist Hospital massacre in 2023 were highlighted.</p> Assistant Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Nafeh Prof. Dr. Shaima Adel Fadel Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-21 2024-10-21 60 79 100 The influence of research centers on American policy towards Africa <p>This study aims to clarify the impact of American research centers on American policy towards African issues through studies, analyses, information gathering, and providing it to the American administration, which in turn saves the political decision-maker more time and effort. These centers work to put forward recommendations provided by their experts to find solutions to every issue related to the countries of the continent, in addition to the conferences, meetings and seminars that discuss them and achieve the initial step to control the countries of the continent. The United States of America's interest in the countries of the African continent began in the eighth decade of the twentieth century to confront the Soviet competitor on the continent at that time. After the end of the Cold War, the African continent occupied an advanced position among American research centers, as was evident in the United States’ interest in the continent after several visits by American presidents such as Presidents Barack Obama and Joe Biden. These visits carried an indication of the United States’ interest in the continent and the recommendations of research centers to move towards a new strategy studied by it in confronting competing powers, especially China, Russia, India, Turkey, Iran and Israel, in addition to their clear influence in shaping American policy to confront the challenges facing the countries of the continent, whether on the economic or geopolitical level, which the United States of America follows and serves to achieve interests.</p> Prof. Dr. Muhannad Abdul Wahid Kazim Randa Alwan Hussein Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-21 2024-10-21 60 101 118 Local Governance and Post-Conflict Societies and Diversity Management <p>Countries face recurring crises, as our era is described as the era of crises. As a result, countries are looking for immediate and permanent solutions to these crises, such as the crisis of managing post-conflict societies by implementing political, economic and social reforms that mitigate and eliminate societal conflict. The components of diverse societies have material and moral demands, and these demands are often met with non-peaceful methods and mechanisms, such as ethnic cleansing. This research attempts to demonstrate the possibility of local administration as a peaceful mechanism for managing the diversity file and as a political and legal treatment among the treatments for the effects of societal conflict in post-conflict societies.</p> Prof. Dr. Nazem Nawaf Ibrahim Haitham Ayad Ibrahim Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 60 119 137 The position of Islamic thought on the theory of the clash of civilizations <p>This research deals with the position of contemporary Islamic thought on the theory of the clash of civilizations proposed by the American thinker Samuel Huntington.... This research also analyzes the opinions of Muslim thinkers on the system of this theory and its branches and philosophical, intellectual and historical foundations.... The research also sheds light on the weak points of this theory, which emphasizes that Islam as a civilization remains the supposed first enemy of Western civilization and refutes its claims.... The research reached the fact that Huntington had preconceived convictions about Islam... He also gave the West and American policy the intellectual basis for the post-Cold War era.</p> Asst. Prof. Dr. Jawad Kazim Mohsen Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 60 137 156 General voluntary acceptance and political stability <p>Before peoples reached the democratic stage of real political representation, they were suffering under the influence of excessive and controlling power according to a vision of monopolizing political decision-making, whether in the external political structure or the internal political structure. These peoples had to submit in a forced manner to the political forces exercising power, whether individual, factional, or regional. Therefore, the first indications of the success and success of the political behavior of political leaders exercising power in democratic systems is that voluntary and positive general acceptance through diligent and joint work within state institutions to accomplish and achieve what is known as the public good. Therefore, the equation of voluntary general acceptance and political stability is an equation based on the necessary approach, as whenever the public good is achieved, the general acceptance becomes voluntary and positive, and this is considered an achievement of political stability at various levels in the state.</p> Assistant Prof. Dr. Hazem Ali Hamza Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 60 157 172 Strategies for International Negotiation with Uncooperative Countries: North Korea as a Model <p>Despite the importance of international cooperation as the other face of international interactions in addition to conflict, and despite its importance in maintaining international peace and security and its inclusion in Article 1 of the United Nations Charter as the second goal of the international organization after maintaining international peace and security, its concept has not received consensus among schools of thought in international relations. While the realist theory, with its various intellectual trends, focused on the role of the state in achieving this cooperation to ensure mutual interests between states, the liberal theory, with its various trends, emphasized the role of international institutions in building this cooperation. Then, the constructivist theory added other variables that can contribute to the success of the state’s attempts in international cooperation strategies, such as identity and the social structure of the state. As long as the interests of states conflict and the components of strength and capacity they possess and the nature of the roles they play in the international system vary, states have different approaches to cooperation with other states and units of the international system in a way that ensures the achievement of these interests. This results in dividing states into states that cooperate with effective international organizations and powers and others that do not cooperate. There are many countries that do not cooperate with international strategies in some issues for various reasons, including the rejection of unilateral hegemony over the international system or the system of alliances that are linked to it or the nature of their roles in the conflict equations that they are based on regionally and internationally, such as North Korea. This imposes on the United Nations, the Security Council and the International Atomic Energy Agency, as the parties concerned with the North Korean nuclear program, to adopt negotiation strategies of a different nature in terms of stages, dialogues and tactics, due to the threat this program poses to the international balances that underlie the security and stability of East Asia and the international system in general.</p> <p>This paper examines the concept of international cooperation, as well as defining negotiation strategies from a theoretical perspective and examining the international negotiation strategies adopted by the International Atomic Energy Agency, the Security Council, the United States of America, the Russian Federation and China with North Korea regarding its nuclear program.</p> Assistant Prof. Dr. Donia Jwad Motlak Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 60 173 202 Neoclassical Realism in International Relations <p>Neoclassical realism is a theory and approach to foreign policy analysis that combines structural realism by studying the structure of the international system (such as anarchy, the distribution of relative power, and the prevalence of uncertainty), and classical realism by studying the domestic structure (such as state-society relations, the nature of the domestic political system, its leaders, perceptions and perceptions, extractive mobilization, strategic culture, etc., in shaping and formulating its foreign policies and behavior in the international system), to understand the behavior of states and their choices. Therefore, neoclassical realists reject the insistence of structural realists that structural incentives and pressures directly affect the behavior of states. Instead, they assume that states respond to the constraints and opportunities of the international system in conducting their foreign policies, through unit-level factors (domestic structure). They therefore believe that structural influences on the foreign policy behavior of states are neither linear nor immediate, but indirect and complex, and that decision-makers are caught in a game of two levels: threats and opportunities of the international structure, and pressures of the domestic structure. Thus, the real contribution of neoclassical realism in the field of international relations is its success in integrating external and internal variables to explain the external behavior of states by bridging the gap between structural realism and local factors, and providing a more comprehensive explanation of the behavior of states in the international system under three variables: the distribution of power in the structure of the international system (the independent variable), local structural factors and their interactions (the mediating variable), and foreign policy decisions and outcomes (the dependent variable).</p> Assistant Professor Adel Abdul Hamza Thgeel Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 60 203 240 Crisis Management Strategy and its Impact on National Security <p>This study aims to address the issue of local or international crisis management and its impact on national security and the subsequent health, social and food security. The study was based on the hypothesis that successful crisis management is the key to military, political, health and social security and is the path to stability and local and international peace. The study concluded that sound crisis management achieves stability and maintains internal peace and security, and that each crisis has its own tools to manage it successfully, and these tools are appropriate to the crisis in terms of level, type, form and subject. Finally, the study concluded that poor crisis management reflects a negative image of the government and the institution and affects the country's security and may create a moral crisis for it.</p> Assistant prof. Dr. Ali Jassim Mohammed At-Tamimi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 60 241 260 Factors of Power Influencing Regional Balance in East Asia: The Koreas as a Model <p>Power factors play a crucial role in determining the international standing of North and South Korea. Despite sharing a common historical and geographic background, their political, economic, and social trajectories are radically different. North Korea is known for its isolated authoritarian regime under the leadership of the Kim family and relies heavily on military force and its nuclear and missile programs to deter enemies and ensure the regime’s survival, which has led to the imposition of international sanctions that hinder its economic improvement and push it toward self-sufficiency. South Korea, on the other hand, adopts a model based on economic and technological openness, and is one of the largest economies in the world thanks to its advanced industries in technology, electronics, and automobiles. Its economic strength gives it significant influence in the international system through trade, investment, and foreign aid. South Korea also relies on its international alliances, especially with the United States, to enhance its military and defense power, which provides it with protection against external threats, especially from North Korea</p> Hussein Imran Rahman Ali Hussein Alesami Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 60 261 282 Possible Scenes For The Future Of The World Order Under The Modified Powers: Analytical study and future visions <p>&nbsp;&nbsp; It seems that predicting the future of the current global system requires an objective and comprehensive reading of all the changes taking place in the international environment, including challenges, conflicts and wars, as dynamics affecting the order and stability of the global system, and international peace and security, as the international community is witnessing several changes. There are international alliances and blocs, there are alliances. And economic blocs that oppose the current world order seek to establish a new global economic order within the framework of an international system and environment that is different from the current balances. There are interactions, conflicts, crises and wars, and what results from these variables is a series of interactive relationships within the framework of an international and regional environment until the United States is no longer able to control these. Interactive relations and even the control of regional and international balances due to the multiplicity of variables, the acceleration of events, and the interference of effective and influential variables, which created cracks in the wall of the current global system, and its outcomes portend the possibility of the collapse of the current global system and the emergence of a new global system based on multipolarity.</p> Dr. Maitham Anidi Ali Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 60 283 310 Employing Psychological Warfare Patterns at The level of the State's Comprehensive Strategy) A Vision to Enhance The Capabilities of The Ruling Political System ( <p>The term "psychological war" was used metaphorically to express those behavioral activities and events that do not use the armed forces and security services directly, and instead employ emotions, fear, anger, resentful feelings and all the psychological elements responsible for causing mental disorders and psychological imbalance. Psychological warfare does not only target the morale of the fighter on the battlefield, but also the people who stand behind the fighter as well as the perceptions of the decision-makers who manage the war. Based on the above, the elements of strength and weakness lie in the efficiency and effectiveness of the ruling political system, and this is what this research attempts to clarify its most important intellectual and realistic requirements through three topics in addition to the introduction and conclusion.</p> Major General Dr. Yasser Abdul Jabbar Muhammad Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 60 311 334 The legislative role of the head of state in the mixed political system: a case study of France <p>The mixed system is the constitutional system that combines the characteristics and techniques of government in both the parliamentary and presidential systems. It is the system that is based in its origin on the parliamentary system in introducing the techniques of the presidential system, where the executive authority has been strengthened, especially the powers of the head of state, who has come to enjoy broader powers than the head of state enjoys in the traditional parliamentary system, so that they have become close to those enjoyed by the head of state in the presidential system, and this is what some jurists have called this model of systems the (semi-presidential) system. This system is concerned with combining the compatible elements between these two systems in a way that does not create a conflict between them, but rather a synthesis and harmony. Perhaps one of its most prominent models is the system in force in France under its Fifth Republic according to the 1958 Constitution. The Fifth Republic was formed in France with a new constitution that granted great powers to the president, and the presidency of the republic became the center of power in the government, a role usually occupied by parliament.</p> Lecturer Dr. Abdul Juma Abdul Rahman Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 60 335 360 The impact of governance technology on the cyber sovereignty of the state <p>The world is currently witnessing a major technological development in digital governance techniques, which has brought about radical transformations in various aspects of the activities of state governments in a manner consistent with the radical transformations brought about by modern technology applications in the information and communications revolution in the societies of these countries.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;The essence of the principle of state sovereignty in public international law is that They enjoy the freedom to make nation decision, their monopoly on the practice of imposing local laws, the representation of their people in international forums, and The right to defend their national security and interests in the international environment in a manner consistent with the principles of international law that regulate legal relations between states. And the principles of private international law that regulate relations between individuals of different nationalities, and the principles of international humanitarian law that seeks to protect civilians from the repercussions of civil and international armed conflicts. Have transnational governance applications and technological techniques constituted a breach, or caused damage to the legal and political elements of the concept of sovereignty? What is the extent of this breach or damage? How can it be contained? This research aims to answer these questions and analyze the causes and damage to the concept of sovereignty and presents verifiable proposals In order to protect the Sovereignty of state from this dangerous variable after presenting the concepts related to the research<strong>.</strong></p> Goran Aziz Mohammed Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 60 361 382 Educational Engineering in the Face of Extremism <p>Post-conflict societies face many challenges, most notably extremist ideological frameworks, which in turn calls for the need to find effective strategies to dispel these frameworks. Education is one of the most effective strategies to confront extremist frameworks and ideas, and to replace a value system that believes in accepting and recognizing the other, in a way that enhances societal security and stability. The effectiveness of education lies in confronting extremism by engineering it and then rebuilding it according to dynamic structures characterized by flexibility and the ability to respond to challenges that may hinder the path of combating extremism and its ideological frameworks, in addition to consolidating joint work between educational institutions on the one hand, and security institutions and civil society organizations on the other hand.</p> Assistant Lecturer: Ahmed Faisal Ali Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 60 383 400 The Role of Political Parties in Political Stability: Tunisia as a Model <p>Political parties play a crucial role in shaping the political landscape and achieving stability in democratic societies.</p> <p>This study aims to analyze the role of political parties in achieving political stability in Tunisia, which is an important model for emerging democracies in the Arab world. Since the 2011 revolution, Tunisia has witnessed a major political transition towards democracy, and political parties play a central role in this transition.</p> <p>This research seeks to understand the contribution of political parties to achieving political stability in Tunisia, and the challenges they have faced in this context. Tunisia is an important case study because it represents a unique example of peaceful democratic transition in a region suffering from political turmoil.</p> <p>The research analyzes the role played by political parties in achieving a balance between various political and social forces, and how they contributed to drafting the constitution and holding free and fair elections.</p> Hadeel Naser Gasem Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 60 401 422 The Importance of the Middle East to China’s Strategic Vision <p>In light of the developments in political events and international and regional variables witnessed by the Arab region, it has become certain that China wants to achieve pivotal political and economic goals in the Middle East region due to the region’s ignition of crises and unrest and the failure of American policy to manage the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.</p> <p>The Middle East is one of the most important sub-regions in the international system, as it is the heart of the world and the link between East and West. It is distinguished by its shipping lanes through which most international trade passes, and it is also an important historical and civilizational storehouse, since it is distinguished by its rich resources, especially energy sources, oil and natural gas. It was also one of the arenas that witnessed geopolitical competition during the Cold War, and perhaps it is one of the regions that remained an area for the attraction of influential international powers, especially the United States and China, despite the shift of the international system towards unipolarity. Thus, the region represents a miniature model of the conflict between these two great powers.</p> <p>China has historical relations with the Middle Eastern countries due to its geographical location and trade movement with the countries of the region. With the rise of China, the region has enjoyed economic, technological and development relations with it that can be described as ideal, relying on energy supplies from the Middle East no less than driving the wheel of its superior production.</p> Assistant lecturer: Ban Quds Yousif Assistant lecturer: Duaa Abdul Hussein Rassan Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 60 423 444 Qatari political and diplomatic performance towards the challenges of the Gulf crisis - Qatar 2017 <p>&nbsp; The Gulf cooperation witnessed a unique moment in its history, after the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain withdrew their ambassadors from Doha in 2014. This escalation came before the three countries, building cooperation, cooperation, cooperation, the United Arab Emirates are members of the Gulf Cooperation Council, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain in alliance with the State of A non-member “Egypt” imposed the embargo in 2017 on a member state, and then using its economic and media capabilities, and its aviation studies&nbsp; &nbsp;</p> Majeed Karim Abboud Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 60 445 470 Iraqi-Turkish Relations since 2003 and its Prospects <p>Turkey began to look at the surrounding area differently than it did before 2002. Since the Justice and Development Party came to power in the country, Turkish foreign policy began to work towards forming friendly relations with neighbouring countries after the Justice and Development party adopted the principle of “zeroing problems”. It is natural for Iraq to be one of the priorities of the ruling authority in Turkey, as Iraq is very important for the Turks in terms of regional neighbourhood and market for the exchange of Turkish goods and products, as well as cultural, religious and ethnic ties that link the two countries. However, it is difficult to say that the Iraqi-Turkish relations have been free of tensions and escalation over time. This is due to several factors, perhaps the most prominent of which is the weakness of the governments that have ruled Iraq since 2003 and the regional and international pressures that are exerted against these governments. Bilateral relations between Iraq and Turkey have often been characterized by a lack of seriousness and stability, especially considering the existence of problems still pending to this day, such as the Kurdish issue, the water crisis, the security file, and others.</p> Asst. Lec. Husam Mohammed Khudhair Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 60 471 486 Party quotas and societal stability in Iraq after 2003 )Study in reality and ways to advance( <p>After the political change in Iraq in 2003, and the transition from a totalitarian regime to a democratic regime, consensual democracy based on party quotas became the prominent feature in the structure and behavior of the political system and its institutions, through which some political parties and forces sought to achieve societal stability, then a means to ensure the participation of the components. All social issues, in the political system and process, However, the practical reality and political practice, in large part, led to results different from those desired and expected goals. Party quotas, which were relied upon to enhance societal harmony and fairly represent the components of society, alleviate the severity of social crises, with the participation of all sectors of society, to consolidate stability. Societal, it has become one of several reasons that have indirectly contributed to worsening societal stability, Especially in the first five years that followed the change, with its effects that led to political blockages, social crises, and the resulting economic consequences (despite the decrease in the intensity of societal tensions in the following years), which contributed to a significant degree in influencing societal stability. The system and the political process in general.</p> Ahmed .M. Alyan Al-Mafarji Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-23 2024-10-23 60 487 512 Iraq’s Development Road Project: The Legitimacy of the Ambition and the Limitations of the Regional and International Geostrategic Competition <p>Iraq seeks to diversify its rentier economy, enhance the momentum of development processes, and integrate its economy with the economies of regional countries by increasing and attracting local and foreign investments in infrastructure, transportation, and energy projects. The Development Road Project seeks to establish a network of railways and roads to connect southern Iraq with Turkey and Syria. Last March, the Iraqi government announced its intention to complete it in the coming years to translate these efforts into a practical reality. The Development Road Project, or what was previously known as the Dry Canal, aims to bring about qualitative transformations in the Iraqi economy and enhance Iraq's geopolitical position by transforming the country into an important player in the field of international transportation, making it a hub and link for global trade exchange and linking it to international supply chains. However, the completion of this ambitious project faces a number of challenges represented by security obstacles, financing constraints, and financial allocations, in addition to the obstacles of internal political division and fragmentation. At the regional level, the project faces competition from international and regional projects and companies in the field of transportation, commercial shipping and transit of goods, such as the North-South International Transport Corridor project, the most important parties of which are Russia and Iran, and the Economic Corridor project linking India, the Middle East and Europe (the Green Corridor), which includes many countries such as India, the Gulf States and Jordan.</p> Faisal Abdulateef Yaseen Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-23 2024-10-23 60 513 526 The war in Sudan after 2023 and its future prospects <p>This research aims to study the future prospects of war in Sudan after 2023. The research begins by examining the circumstances that led to the emergence and development of this war. The roots of the war witnessed by Sudan go back to distant historical eras, that is, to the period of British colonialism, through the rule of Omar al-Bashir, and ending with the rule of Abdel Fattah al-Burhan. It included a set of different accumulations, the title of which was marginalization, oppression, conflict over power, the creation of tribal loyalties, and greed for the country's economic wealth. This war became intertwined and complicated over time until it produced the current war between the Sudanese army forces and the Rapid Support Forces, which left behind many repercussions, starting from the political level and the accompanying complexity of the scene and the increasing intensity of military polarizations. And passing through the economic level, as the fighting caused the country to enter a stifling economic crisis as a result of the destruction of productive sectors, the flight of foreign investment companies, and the decline in exchange rates. On the humanitarian level, the war left devastating humanitarian effects, such as human rights violations, population displacement, and a lack of basic services in the fields of health and education. Through this research, we will try to formulate a future vision for the war that has been going on in Sudan since 2023, based on the historical approach, the descriptive analytical approach, and the prospective approach required by our future study</p> Halah Salim Khalaf Khalaf Abdullah Muhammad Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-23 2024-10-23 60 527 546 The Strategy of Modern Military Technology in Securing Borders and Protecting Iraqi National Security after 2014 <p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Border security defense is a fundamental element of Iraq's national security strategy. The military strategy for border security protection is achieved by possessing modern military technology to respond to the defense needs of the twenty-first century. Then we can confront military threats and expand the military options available to policymakers. Modern military science and technology help with high professionalism in confronting special threats such as terrorism, drug smuggling, and others. The development of military technological capabilities and their use in border protection may become a decisive and important factor in protecting national security in record time and suddenly, as the concept of security has become broad, starting from the inability to predict the locations of threats and conflicts in an unstable regional environment.</p> Fatima Muhammad Reda Al-Jabri Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-23 2024-10-23 60 547 563