Federalism in modern and contemporary Russian political thought


  • DR. Fatima Atta Jabbar


Federalism, political, modern thought, contemporary, central authority, asymmetry


Federalism represents the map of the ruling political system of any country based on data emanating from the state's need to adopt it. Throughout its historical growth, the Russian state depended on adopting requirements embodied in its geographical and demographic nature while preserving the unity of the central authority to enable stability are the justifications for relying on or relying on the federal system in the Russian state by Russian political thinkers and researchers (modernists and contemporary), and what is their logic for praising or criticizing it, and what are the outcomes of that? To answer the above question, we assume the following: ((The justifications of modern and contemporary Russian political thought for adopting the federal idea based on the geographical and historical nature of the Russian state, and its population diversity, starting with its rejection and acceptance between praise and criticism based on the amount of authority granted to the center and the periphery and the extent to which it is a factor of unity or fragmentation. This produced a political system with a centralized power with autonomy and a relatively stable state to a large extent)). Among the most important results we reached are: the strength of the central authority + self-rule with limited powers = stability for the Russian state, and therefore the type of federalism in Russia is asymmetrical.


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How to Cite

Jabbar, D. F. A. . (2022). Federalism in modern and contemporary Russian political thought. The International and Political Journal, 53(1), 593–614. Retrieved from https://ipj.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/index.php/political/article/view/77