Federalism as a method for managing diversity in India


  • Dr.. Ahmed Yahya Hadi
  • Haider Kashkul Hassan


federalism in India, diversity management in India, diversity management in the Indian federal state


India is one of the most diverse countries in terms of ethnic, sectarian and linguistic division, in addition to the class division present in it. Therefore, it decided to adopt the federal system as a form of government in it, as it is the ideal system for very diverse and sprawling countries, and both cases apply to the state of India, so India worked according to certain mechanisms In managing this diversity by adopting the federal system as a form of government because federal systems are flexible systems that accommodate the diversity in India, and the great role of leadership in India’s progress and this role emerged through the vision of those leaders in solving crises and moving towards development that contributed to the development of India.


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How to Cite

Hadi, D. A. Y. ., & Hassan, H. K. . (2022). Federalism as a method for managing diversity in India. The International and Political Journal, 53(1), 429–464. Retrieved from https://ipj.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/index.php/political/article/view/71