Political corruption and social acceptance in sub-Saharan Africa after 1990


  • DR. Jamal Taha Ali


political corruption, south of desert, Africa, social acceptance


Political venality is one of the most complex problems facing south desert African countries. Political venality puts south desert African countries in advanced positions among the most corrupt countries in the world. The transition of these countries from dictatorship to democratic transition led to the creation of a new type of political venality. Ethnic and ethnic-based on the acceptance of the societies of these countries to the presence of a corrupt ruler or party in power as long as it is of their race or ethnicity, as well as their exploitation of poverty and the payment of bribes to voters for re-election. Regardless of the reasons for societal support for the corrupt, it illustrates a kind of social acceptance of corruption in south of desert African countries.


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How to Cite

Ali, D. J. T. (2022). Political corruption and social acceptance in sub-Saharan Africa after 1990. The International and Political Journal, 53(1), 357–398. Retrieved from https://ipj.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/index.php/political/article/view/68