The impact of the new historians on the Israeli intellectual structure


  • Assist. Prof. Dr Hussein Abbas Hussein


new historians, post-Zionism, Israeli thought, the ghetto


The new historians discussed some distinctions from the propositions adopted by the mother (Zionism) tendency to question and weaken these propositions, which was not the result of a different vision in an attempt to correct the past and be able to create a present based on civil foundations that are not subject to the legacy of religion. And gender and nationalism, which is an attempt in what they see to establish freedom in achieving happiness through liberalism and access to the concept of individuality at the level of reality, and it is an orientation in crystallizing a civil society characterized by cultural and ethnic diversity, and this is what was found for it as determinants, perhaps they themselves (the new historians) did not find exits from it Such as the supremacy of religion, race, and the adopted (jithism) that created from this entity a hybrid existence for a people that is intended to perpetuate in the shadow of the turbulent existential continuities, although these visions adopted by (the new historians) seek the future in framing the political theory of this entity that stems from the depth of reading history and its philosophy with tools New, however, the flow of ideas in the direction of building the state remained subject to the priorities of creation in its eligibility and the legitimacy of this survival. (Nostalgia) sacrificed affection for the past is the engine in the scramble between inherited ideas and the dissection of these legacies by (new historians) in a trial of these legacies. In the past, a myth narrated by the beneficiaries without evidence and evidence, and the external dialectic monitoring this thought and its results, in what may carry behavior that is in line with the rights of the people who suffered under occupation whose construction was (mythology) and the myths of artificial history, in light of the scramble between proving theories and contradictory theories in the narratives Thought and thought corresponding to this existence (entity).


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How to Cite

Hussein, A. P. D. H. A. . (2022). The impact of the new historians on the Israeli intellectual structure. The International and Political Journal, 53(1), 249–270. Retrieved from