Political Islam movements and political participation In the Kurdistan Region of Iraq until 2010


  • M. Ayman Abdel Aoun


Movements, political Islam, participation, Kurdistan region


    The political Islam movements in the Kurdistan region of Iraq have a wide impact on the political reality in general because of the internal conflicts they have fought, and they were and still suffer from several problems in the exercise of governance and participation in power within the region. The research included identifying the internal political dimensions that led to the emergence of political Islam in Iraqi Kurdistan, and the stages of disagreement and understanding with other political forces within the region. The research reached a set of results, the most important of which is that most of the political Islam movements in Iraqi Kurdistan were originally advocacy movements and groups whose goal was education and Islamic preparation for society. Over time, it managed to create a political space for it, and it became clear that the number of its members increased within the Kurdistan-Iraq National Council, which made it the focus of the rest of the political forces to win it as a political ally within the region.

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How to Cite

Aoun, M. A. A. . (2022). Political Islam movements and political participation In the Kurdistan Region of Iraq until 2010. The International and Political Journal, 52(1), 377–411. Retrieved from https://ipj.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/index.php/political/article/view/31