Bowl etiquette In the book Siraj al-Muluk by al-Tartushi


  • M.Dr. Hind Abdel-Haq Abdel-Sattar Al-Obeidi Faculty of Political Science - Mustansiriyah University.


royal etiquette, authority, sultan, Tartushi, advice of king


Royal etiquette is a special kind of political thought, and we must distinguish between royal etiquette and kingly rulings. The first wants to mix politics with ethics, while the second focuses on the legal aspect. Abu Bakr al-Tartushi is considered one of the pioneers of Islamic thought and one of those who tried to write in Politics and statecraft. He is similar to other Islamic thinkers, as he says that ethics and politics are the same thing.


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How to Cite

Al-Obeidi, M. H. A.-H. A.-S. . (2022). Bowl etiquette In the book Siraj al-Muluk by al-Tartushi. The International and Political Journal, 52(1), 297–323. Retrieved from