Diversity protection Under the regional system of human rights


  • Assistant Professor. Dr. Saad Salloum


protection of diversity, minority rights, regional human rights system


The research concentrates on studying and analyzing ways to protect religious, ethnic, and linguistic diversity within the regional human rights system, in a way that compares regional experiences which are worth studying like as: the European system, the American system, and the African system for the protection of human rights. It is clear that limits and range of these regional experiences affected by the experience of the United Nations, and the extent of development in the field of protection of minority rights according to international political transformations, especially after conflicts of an ethnic nature since the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the disintegration of the socialist bloc in the so-called “new wars”, As well as the failure of the experience of the national state in many countries of the South, which had an impact on the protection of minority rights in these countries that witnessed terrible human rights violations.


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How to Cite

Salloum, A. P. D. S. . (2022). Diversity protection Under the regional system of human rights. The International and Political Journal, 52(1), 273–295. Retrieved from https://ipj.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/index.php/political/article/view/27