The Role of the Cultural Factor in Turkish Soft Power towards Iraq: Reality and the Future


  • Lecturer. Muhammad Rashid Sabbar



Turkey, Iraq, Soft Power, the Cultural Factor. .


Soft power has a major impact on Turkish foreign policy. That is why the Turks focus greatly on the cultural factor and reviving cultural relations between them and the countries of the region in general and Iraq in particular. Turkey attaches great importance to Iraq, as it regard it as its eastern gateway. Turkish cultural soft power in Iraq relies on several means, most notably cultural centers, cinema, drama, education, and modern technological means, in order to mobilize positions that support its policies.


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How to Cite

Sabbar, L. M. R. . (2023). The Role of the Cultural Factor in Turkish Soft Power towards Iraq: Reality and the Future. The International and Political Journal, (56), 425–445.