The legal status of Palestinian prisoners in occupation prisons and the guarantees of their international protection


  • Dr. Ramly Makhlouf



International Humanitarian Law, Prisoners of War, Geneva Conventions, Occupation Prisons, Palestinian Prisoners


The daily arrests carried out by the Israeli occupation forces against the Palestinians constitute a blatant violation of the rules of Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Arrests became a daily phenomenon and collective punishment for the Palestinian people, as the occupation authorities failed to respect guarantees of protection for the civilian population and did not adhere to the rules regulating the rights and conditions of detainees. These guarantees and rules are affirmed by international humanitarian law, and obligate states to fulfill their obligations in dealing with prisoners and detainees in their custody, and to preserve their rights and human dignity to receive the necessary health care and adequate food. Moreover, to allow their families to visit and communicate permanently with them, to prevent torture and ill-treatment and not to subject them to arbitrary detention, as well as prohibiting the absolute use of administrative detention orders as required by the provisions of the 3rd.  and 4th. Geneva Conventions of 1949.


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How to Cite

Makhlouf, D. R. . (2023). The legal status of Palestinian prisoners in occupation prisons and the guarantees of their international protection. The International and Political Journal, (56), 403–424.