National institutions to limit the spread of drugs in Iraq after 2003


  • Prof Dr. Omar Jomaha Omran
  • Ammar Qadorei Ali



Drugs, National Institutions, Security Levels, Health Levels, Iraq


Each country seeks, through its internal policies, to combat any crime or phenomenon that occurs on its territory or in areas under its sovereignty, including the drug phenomenon. The responsibility for confronting this problem, treating it, and finding effective solutions lies with the state and its political system. The government's control over all areas, as well as the strict monitoring of individuals, leads to reducing the risk of this problem, and this is clearly evident in Iraq as a result of the political situation and the security chaos that was reflected in the role of successive governments after 2003 in finding relevant measures to address this phenomenon and develop appropriate solutions to it. In this research, we will discuss the most important treatments at the security, health, media and awareness levels of the drug phenomenon


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How to Cite

Omran, P. D. O. J. ., & Ali, A. Q. . (2023). National institutions to limit the spread of drugs in Iraq after 2003. The International and Political Journal, (56), 207–224.