The Competition of Regional Powers and its Impact on the Stability of the Middle East Region: (Iran - Israel as a Model)


  • Dr. Kholoud Muhammad Khamis Faculty of Political Science - Mustansiriyah University.



Competition, Regional Security, Stability, Iran, Israel


      The Middle East has become an area of regional and international competition as a result of differences between countries, which have taken on political and economic dimensions to achieve their interests and status on the regional and international arenas. This competition stems mainly from the strategic, geopolitical, and economic importance of the region, which prompted these regional powers or actors to formulate their policies and projects in a way that guarantees them the greatest expansion in the region at the expense of other countries.

     Some of the active regional powers in the Middle East are multinational states such as Iran, while others need to expand and eliminate or weaken Arab states that stand against them, such as Israel. Accordingly, its presence in the Middle East region is directly linked to defining the strategic concept of the great powers, led by the United States of America, by preserving its interests and the interests of its allies in the region in addition to containing the Arab countries that oppose it.

     These regional actors (Iran and Israel) have become influential actors in the Arab region as a result of several factors and variables, including soft power policy, economic strength, and high military capabilities. This competition and competition over the Middle East region is certainly supported by international actors. Israel was and is still supported by the United States of America. As for Iran, although its relationship with Russia most often reaches conflict, especially in terms of reducing its presence in Syria, it is a relationship based on cooperation. Regional competition is one of The most important challenges facing the Middle East region and still are, especially those that exist between regional actors in order to achieve their goals and strategies, and this competition has directly affected the stability of the region politically, economically, socially, culturally and security.



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How to Cite

Khamis, D. K. M. . (2023). The Competition of Regional Powers and its Impact on the Stability of the Middle East Region: (Iran - Israel as a Model). The International and Political Journal, (56), 1–26.