Legislative emptiness area: A comparative study between Sayyid Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr and Sheikh Muhammad Mahdi Shams al-Din


  • Assistant Professor Muhammad Hashem Rahma Al-Battat Faculty of Political Science - Mustansiriyah University.


legislative emptiness area, Mohammed baqir Alsadr, Mohammed Mahdi Shamsuldden, Islamic State


     This Research is trying to study the legislative emptiness area which introduced by Alsayd Mohammed Baqir Al-sadr in his pursuit to find an answers to question: Is the Islamic legislation has a flexibility to continue with the developments of time and place? The Alsadr's ideas will be compared with the ideas of Alsheikh Mohammed Mahdi Shamsuldden. The problem of this Research is the trying to understand one of the Islamic legislative mechanisms to deal with the continuous changing in the life. We has been reached to that the legislative emptiness area theory is represented one of the most important theories in contemporary Islamic thought which tried to fix this problem. And  we made a comparison between Alsadr's ideas with Shamsuldden who agreed with him in some details and disagreed with him in others.                                            .

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How to Cite

Al-Battat, A. P. M. H. R. . (2022). Legislative emptiness area: A comparative study between Sayyid Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr and Sheikh Muhammad Mahdi Shams al-Din. The International and Political Journal, 52(1), 93–120. Retrieved from https://ipj.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/index.php/political/article/view/20