Ocus Treaty: Objectives and implications in the Indo-Pacific region


  • Professor. Alaa Jabbar Ahmed Faculty of Political Science - Mustansiriyah University.


Treaty of AUKUS, United States, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean


        On September 15, 2021, the United States of America announced a new security alliance called (AUKUS) with the participation of Britain and Australia, under which the latter would obtain several nuclear-powered submarines. Thus, Australia becomes the seventh country in the world to own this type of submarine after America, Britain, France, the Russian Federation, China, and India. This agreement represented Australia's retreat from the similar deal it had struck in 2016 with France. Therefore, this announcement sparked anger and protest in France at the government and media levels. This deal also revealed profound changes in the global strategic context and may contain contradictions in the positions of the countries of the Western world and their interrelationship.

Author Biography

Professor. Alaa Jabbar Ahmed, Faculty of Political Science - Mustansiriyah University.

        On September 15, 2021, the United States of America announced a new security alliance called (AUKUS) with the participation of Britain and Australia, under which the latter would obtain several nuclear-powered submarines. Thus, Australia becomes the seventh country in the world to own this type of submarine after America, Britain, France, the Russian Federation, China, and India. This agreement represented Australia's retreat from the similar deal it had struck in 2016 with France. Therefore, this announcement sparked anger and protest in France at the government and media levels. This deal also revealed profound changes in the global strategic context and may contain contradictions in the positions of the countries of the Western world and their interrelationship.

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How to Cite

Ahmed, P. A. J. . (2022). Ocus Treaty: Objectives and implications in the Indo-Pacific region. The International and Political Journal, 52(1), 67–92. Retrieved from https://ipj.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/index.php/political/article/view/19