The Moorish Minority: Their Tragedy and Social Life after the End of Islamic Rule in Andalusia in 1429 AD


  • Dr Hind Abdul-Haq Abdul-Sattar Al-Obeidi Faculty of Political Science - Mustansiriyah University.



Andalusia, Moriscos, Granada, Spaniards, Inquisition courts


The Morisco era has been a civilized extension of Andalusia, but despite its importance, it did not receive attention until recent years. Therefor it is useful to deal with the plight of the Moriscos in Andalusia, where the majority of Andalusians live normally under the Treaty of the Handover of Granada. However, the position of the Catholic Church towards them was fanatical. Thus, the Spaniards viewed the Moriscos as a minority and a different group within Spanish society. That was due to the Islamic origin of this group and the Islamic way by which the live. For this reason, this ethnic group was marginalized within the society and then expelled due to the impossibility of coexistence with the Spaniards in one country.



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How to Cite

Al-Obeidi, D. H. A.-H. A.-S. . (2023). The Moorish Minority: Their Tragedy and Social Life after the End of Islamic Rule in Andalusia in 1429 AD. The International and Political Journal, (55), 511–540.