The Impact of Taiwan’s Status on US-Chinese Relations Under President Joe Biden


  • Marwa Uday Musa University of Baghdad \ College of Political Science \ Department of International Studies
  • Donia Jawad Mutlaq University of Baghdad \ College of Political Science \ Department of International Studies



Status,, Taiwan, China, The United States


The international standing has an impact on the strategic importance of the country in its relations with other regional and international countries. The strategic position of Taiwan has an impact on the US-Chinese relations, as it is one of the most important issues that raise dispute between the two countries. The while the Chinese consider Taiwan is an ancient legacy of their republic, and an integral part of it, the Americans consider it as an area linking the U.S. to the Asia-Pacific region, through which it intends to help its allies (Japan and South Korea). Moreover, Taiwan has huge economic importance as it is one of the largest manufacturers of electronic chips and semiconductors. This fact represents one of the most important issues of disagreement between the United States, which seeks to seize these delicate materials in its delicate industries, and China, which is trying to monopolize them to be the only country producing these materials, because it owns 5% of the electronic chip industries, and Taiwan owns 75% of its industries in the world. If the Chinese succeed in returning Taiwan, they will acquire thin industries at a rate of 80% of the total industries in the world.



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How to Cite

Marwa Uday Musa, & Mutlaq, D. J. . (2023). The Impact of Taiwan’s Status on US-Chinese Relations Under President Joe Biden. The International and Political Journal, (55), 489–510.