The South China Sea in light of regional rivalry
South China Sea, Geostrategic, China, United StatesAbstract
The South China Sea is of increasing importance in strategic perceptions, especially at both regional and global levels. That is due to its geographical location, which represents the meeting point of maritime transportation routes in the world, and because it is linked to the most important strategic straits in the Southeast Asian region, which are the most important elements of geographical connectivity and communication with the Pacific and Indian oceans. The South China Sea region suffers from a state of volatility and instability, due to reasons including tension and growing competition between China and other countries. The competition is related to sovereignty over the waters located in the Spartly Islands region, and over the ownership of some or all of these islands in this region. In addition to that, the issue of the growing strategic competition between China and the United States of America in this region, which affects the stability and settlement in the South China Sea region.
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