Elements of fifth Generation Wars in American Perceptions
Hybrid Warfare, Fifth Generation Warfare, American Power, CyberspaceAbstract
With the progress and development that took place as a result of globalization, many new terms related to ‘force’ have emerged in war literature. These terms referred to other kinds of war which are equivalent to military battles in their impact but less expensive in material cost. The United States of America, which nowadays is possessing all the elements of unconventional wars, including fifth-generation war, which is considered one of the wars that are characterized by a diverse mix that enters into a conflict in which many tools are employed, including military, economic, informational, cyber and alike by a simultaneously mixture of traditional and unconventional tactics and strategies which are able to cause the greatest amount of damage indirectly through which states do not appear as aggressors in enemy territory, but rather by forming alliances that include state actors in addition to secondary actors that include institutions,، individuals, groups, technological, ideological, biological and environmental factors.
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