The Media Role of the English Language in Drawing up Politics Tourism Development


  • Balsam Abdul Hussein Luaibi Faculty of Political Science - Mustansiriyah University.



English, , media, politics, tourism development


Tourism is the most important major industry in the world because of the effective role it plays in the economic development of countries at the present time. That is because these countries are opening new markets in addition to traditional markets in order to the continuity of the tourist tide throughout the year. Tourism is also an important source of national income as it attracts people of different nationalities and speak different languages. Accordingly, it became necessary to use the most universal and informative language in this field, which is the English language. The research included several topics. In the introduction we touched on the methodological framework of the research, the importance of the research, the research problem, its hypothesis, and its objectives. While the first topic included the conceptual framework of terms (language, media, politics, the concept of tourism, tourism media, its concept and importance, tourism development and the policy of dealing with it), and tourism Tourism development and planning.As for the second topic, it was about the dimensions of the media role of the English language in drawing up the tourism development policy through translation, media guidance, tourism media translation, and the media translation strategy. The third and final topic included applied research procedures and its results. In the conclusion, we discussed the conclusions and a set of recommendations reached by the researcher.



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How to Cite

Luaibi, B. A. H. . (2023). The Media Role of the English Language in Drawing up Politics Tourism Development. The International and Political Journal, (55), 227–248.