Dialectic relationship between sustainable development and Rational governance to achieve societal security


  • Assist prof.Dr. Badrea Salih Abdulla Center for Strategic and International Studies/University of Baghdad




Rational Governance, Sustainability Development, Societal Security, Governance


The issues of societal security and sustainability development are among the global phenomena that gained attention after the Second World War and crystallized in the 1990s. The purpose of this study is to shed light on societal security and sustainability development, and how societies were able to face security challenges, live in the development era, and achieve stability and progress. International civil wars and dictatorships that posed a threat to sustainability development, including the facts that put political systems towards a moral responsibility to find solutions to economic, social, cultural and political problems, and start scientific and effective courses for sustainability development that provide ample spaces for completeness and incorporation and transform individuals into an effective force within their societies that guarantee diversity.



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How to Cite

Abdulla, A. prof.Dr. B. S. . (2023). Dialectic relationship between sustainable development and Rational governance to achieve societal security. The International and Political Journal, (55), 203–226. https://doi.org/10.31272/ipj.i55.172