Challenges of rebuilding the Russian state under President Vladimir Putin


  • Assist. Prof. Dr. Ammar Saadoon Faculty of Political Science - Mustansiriyah University.
  • Fatima Aqeel Abdullah Faculty of Political Science - Mustansiriyah University.



State Building,, Internal Challenges, External Challenges, President Putin, Russia


The process of rebuilding the Russian state under President Vladimir Putin faced a set of internal and external challenges that had negative and serious repercussions and effects on the future of Russia. This study proceeds from the hypothesis that the effective political leadership of President Putin is the main pillar in the process of rebuilding the Russian state, and the main driver that helped the state to get out of the phase of failure and collapse to the phase of success and stability. This study aims to show the possibility and ability of the Russian state to overcome crises and challenges in order to assume the position of the superpower, and the need to face challenges which represent danger and negative effects on society. This study used a variety of methodologies such as the descriptive analytical approach and the case analysis approach to address and acquire knowledge in all aspects related to the topic. The study concluded that the Putin experience is a unique and distinctive experience at the global level because it caused great developments in the Russian power despite the internal and external challenges. Moreover, it is considered as an approved approach in the Russian leadership which affects the internal and external policies.



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How to Cite

Saadoon, A. P. D. A. . ., & Abdullah, F. A. . (2023). Challenges of rebuilding the Russian state under President Vladimir Putin. The International and Political Journal, (55), 127–148.