The Desired Political Reform: A Theoretical Study


  • Prof. Dr. Rashid Emara Ias College of Political Science/University of Sulaymaniyah
  • Mustafa Othman Ahmed College of Political Science/University of Sulaymaniyah



Political Reform, Reform Processes, Corruption, Political Development


Although the achievement of political reform is the demand put forward on the political and societal arena in general, this concept is controversial for many, whether they are leaders, thinkers, or the masses. That is because its circumstances and motives are shrouded in ambiguity and there is a lot of division around them, which impedes the chances of achieving political reform. This study examines the nature of political reform and its theoretical and conceptual foundations in order to clarify these issues and remove the ambiguity surrounding the reform process advocated by peoples and states at the same time.



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How to Cite

Ias , P. D. R. E. ., & Ahmed, M. O. . (2023). The Desired Political Reform: A Theoretical Study. The International and Political Journal, (55), 97–126.