US policy towards Iraq after 2014
Iraq, the United States, the Persian Gulf, terrorismAbstract
Since the hatred of the 1960s, the United States has been seeking a strategy that could achieve a balance of power in the Arabian Gulf between the Iraq and Iran. The role played by U.S. diplomacy led by Henry Kissinger in the signing of the Algiers Agreement between Iraq and Iran in 1975 was evidence of the importance the United States attaches to Iraq’s role in the West’s anti-communist strategy in the region.By 1970s, the United States took the role of the guarantor state in the Gulf region instead of Britain and tried to maintain stability of the region by maintaining approximate balance of military power between Iraq and Iran, in addition to other policies designed to achieve its goals. After 1988, Iraq emerged as a regional power with material and moral capabilities that qualifies it to play a regional role that is not compatible with American perceptions. Therefore, the process of limiting its capabilities and role became an important goal in the American strategy, in accordance with an integrated strategy in terms of goals, means and methods of implementation. However, the American policy towards Iraq after the occupation in 2003 differed clearly from that of the previous stage. That is because Iraq has become one of the important issues for the American policy. But this policy faces great internal and external challenges that are reflected in its military and security performance, and Iraq has formed one of the most important points of interaction between the United States and neighboring countries .
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