The geostrategic position of the Arab Levant region in the Turkish realization


  • Noha Muthana Najm El-Din
  • Muhammad Yass Khudair



المكانة الجيوستراتيجية, المشرق العربي, النظام العالمي, تركيا


This study aims at shedding light on the geopolitical position of the Arab Levant region in the Turkish perception, as this region occupies great importance in the global system, as it is considered the most important region that has central importance since ancient times in the relations of East and West, in addition to its modern strategic importance in its cultural and economic content. geographical and cultural. The region was the subject of the ambitions of the major powers to control it, which made it one of the regions most influential in global developments and events, and as a result of this strategic importance, it was the subject of intense regional competition to extend control over it, which prompted the competing regional countries, including Turkey, to try to reconsider with regard to this region, And trying to influence them to achieve goals and principles that are compatible with their interests.


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How to Cite

El-Din, N. M. N. . . ., & Khudair , M. Y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2023). The geostrategic position of the Arab Levant region in the Turkish realization. The International and Political Journal, 54(1), 523–550.