The role of democracy indicators in political development, a study of models


  • Akeel Faleh Salman



democracy index, political development, India, Brazil, Malaysia


The indicators of Democracy play an auxiliary role in raising the level of political development. That is because these indicators have important repercussions on the development process of any country, especially since these indicators are based mainly on a set of internal foundations and constants that contribute to raising the development index, and thus these indicators take their primary place. In the development process, especially the political ones, its main objective is to raise the internal political level. This has been evident through several indicators, some of which are related to the political empowerment of women and others related to political participation, in addition to other indicators. This is specifically translated into various models, including India, Brazil and Malaysia.


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How to Cite

Salman, A. F. . (2023). The role of democracy indicators in political development, a study of models. The International and Political Journal, 54(1), 503–522.