The American Policy towards Sudan in the Light of International Variables 1945-1985: Historical Study


  • Ahmed Nama Abdullah Al-Shugary



Sudan, Aid, Nimeiri, Falasha, American policy


The research aims at shedding light on the stages of development of the US-Sudanese relations and to indicate their different stages, whose roots go back to before independence. These stages were affected by the proposals of US President Woodrow which called for the right of peoples to independence and self-determination. Those proposals were accepted and approved by the Sudanese educated class, especially after the American support the right of the Sudanese people to achieve independence through the Egyptian-British negotiations.

   The research deals with the impact of this relationship on the internal political changes that passed through the Sudanese history, which were marked by internal political conflicts and the volatility of the ruling regimes between military and civil. Thus, considering their own interests, those different regimes adopted different methods in dealing with the Americans.

The research also focuses on the impact of international changes represented by the conflict between the two poles, the American and the Soviet, on the US-Sudanese. It also studied the impact of Eisenhower principle which aimed at establishing an international front hostile to the Soviet bloc.

      The research is divided into three chapters, the first of which dealt with the nature of US-Sudanese relations before independence, the second dealt with the stage of independence until 1969, while the third axis dealt with relations during the Nimeiri era until his fall in 1985 by tracing the chronology.


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How to Cite

Al-Shugary, A. N. A. . (2023). The American Policy towards Sudan in the Light of International Variables 1945-1985: Historical Study. The International and Political Journal, 54(1), 359–383.