Digital technology and its impact on educational institutions In the Kurdistan Region – Iraq


  • Rashid Emara Al-Zaidi
  • Rebwar Karim Mahmood



Digital technology, Kurdistan region, educational institutions, Iraq


Digital technology is one of the most important forms of modern technical development and a wide door for many contemporary applications. The information revolution made possible by today's digital
technology has direct and indirect effects on society. Where digital technology serves as an aide in the classroom, and the instructor employs it as such via a tool, method, or strategy, the classroom is said to be an "active learning environment.". The use of digital technology is different from time to time, and in from circumstances to others. The crisis, and because of its multiple characteristics, imposes on decision-makers the need to take certain and exceptional steps at a specific time, and under more complex circumstances, in order to find solutions that enable us to get out of it with the least losses, or avoid the worst results. Although in Kurdistan Region of Iraq private schools and universities were more able to interact with digital technology and incorporate it into the educational process than public schools and universities. However, education in the Kurdistan Region in general has benefited greatly from digital technology, whether positively or negatively. Technical education in Kurdistan Region of Iraq has faced many difficulties at the internal and personal levels, whether it is related to infrastructure deficiencies or lack of human potential.


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How to Cite

Al-Zaidi , R. E. . . . . . . . . . . . ., & Mahmood, R. K. . (2023). Digital technology and its impact on educational institutions In the Kurdistan Region – Iraq. The International and Political Journal, 54(1), 97–122.