Challenges of Iraqi water security


  • Prof Dr. Mustafa Jassim Husane
  • Salwa Ghadhanfer Hikmat



ألامن, المياه, العراق, تحديات.


The abundance of water resources is a key factor for securing stability and balance around the world, especially in arid regions. Iraq's water resources are an important part of the country’s wealth. Iraq shares its rivers, Tigers and Euphrates and their tributaries with three neighboring countries (Turkey, Iran, and Syria). These countries have been building several dams on Tigris, Euphrates, and their tributaries in order to store water for irrigation and energy production. These dams cause a severe shortage in the quality and quantity of the annual revenues of water in Iraq.

The research investigates the water policy of Iraq and discusses the challenges facing this policy.                                                                 


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How to Cite

Husane, P. D. M. J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., & Hikmat , S. G. . (2023). Challenges of Iraqi water security. The International and Political Journal, 54(1), 57–74.