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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • هذا المؤلَّف لم يسبق له النشر، ولم يُعرض على مجلة علمية أخرى للنظر فيه (أو هناك توضيح بشأن هذا الأمر مقدم إلى هيئة التحرير في خانة التعليقات)
  • ملف التقديم هو بأحد الصيغ الآتية: OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, WordPerfect
  • حيثما تطلب الأمر، أضيفت روابط للمراجع المستعملة في المؤلَّف (الروابط هي وصلات إلى العناوين على الشبكة العنكبوتية)
  • فقرات النص ذات تباعد مفرد للأسطر، بحجم خط (12) نقطة، تم فيه استعمال الخط المائل بدلاً عن الخط التحتاني (باستثناء عناوين الروابط)، وجميع الرسوم والأشكال والجداول متوضعة ضمن النص المتعلق بها عوضاً عن تجميعها في نهاية الملف
  • إن نص المؤلَّف مقيد بالمتطلبات النمطية والأسلوبية الواردة في دليل المؤلِّف, الموجود في النص التعريفي بالمجلة ضمن هذا الموقع

Author Guidelines

Publishing Instructions :

These instructions contain three sections, namely: (Rules of Publishing, writing references ) and as below:


Publication Rules:

The editorial board of the Political and International Journal issued by the College of Political Science /Mustansiriyah University presents you with the best regards, and is preparing to receive your research and studies related to the specialization of political science, which deals with, analyzes and addresses political phenomena, topics and problems, provided that the following rules and conditions of publication are observed:

1- The name of the researcher should be written with the title of the research, his place  of work, his job title, scientific title, e-mail and phone number in both Arabic and English.

2- The researcher shall be attached when submitting the research.

  • Two paper copies, including a summary of the research in Arabic and English, at the beginning of the research, with a CD.
  • The search contains keywords in both Arabic and English.
  • The margins are according to the rules of the (Chicago) method for writing sources in Arabic and English with regard to writing sources in English. The titles of books, research and articles in the sources are written in the verbal dialect and in English translation in square brackets according to the following rule: last name or surname, first name and the rest. year. Title: Verbal Dialect [English Translation]. Beirut: publishing house.
  • The font size for the title is (16), for the body (14), and for the sources (12) (at the end of the research).
  • Font type (simplified Arabic) for Arabic, and (Times New Roman) for English.
  • The distance between the lines (1), and the size of (A4) paper.
  • The number of pages shall not be less than (15) pages and not more than (20) pages.

3- The principles of scientific research must be taken into  account in terms of objectivity, methodological   classification, defining the importance and problematic   of the research, its assumptions and methodology,  while proving its results with  accuracy in documentation.

4- Research should not be published in other journals or on internet sites.

5 . The publication of research is approved after the   research is subject to scientific  and linguistic evaluation.

6. The journal receives summaries of books dealing with  the political science major        and presents distinguished  letters and dissertations.

7. The journal reserves the right to publish the approved  material according to the  plan of the editorial board.


Writing references

The journal uses the Chicago style in referring to a source of information (In-Text Citations), and in writing the list of references at the end of the research, in (Times New Roman) font size 12.

To see examples of Chicago style citations in Arabic, visit the link below

رابط مصادر شيكاغو

To see examples of Chicago style citations in English, visit the link below

Chicago References Link



 Subscribe to the journal Review of the College of  Political Science - Mustansiriyah University

Baghdad - Colleges Complex in Bab Al-Moazem - P.O.Box  46159

Mobile: 07736398677  /Dr. Ammar Saadoun Salman / Editor Manager

The journal's website: Enter the link of The  International and Political Journal

 Journal email:

 [email protected]

Deposit number in the House of Books and Documents:  810 for the year 2005 .

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أسماء الأشخاص وعناوين البريد الالكتروني المحفوظة في موقع المجلة هذا ستتم الاستفادة منها حصرياً للأغراض المنصوص عليها من قبل المجلة، ولن تكون متاحة لأي أغراض أخرى أو لأي طرف ثالث